Career Employment Services


Studying abroad can give you a new perspective on your major and career plans. Or, if you are unsure of what do to after graduation, studying abroad can actually help define your goals and inspire a career path. Staying after the end of your study abroad term in order to pursue an international internship can greatly increase your professional expertise and future employ ability. Similarly, the connections you make while with like-minded people, institutions and businesses abroad can be invaluable to you in the future.

Perhaps most importantly, study abroad also offers an exceptional opportunity to be highly employable and a competitive applicant after college. In today's market job competition is stiff, and study abroad sets you apart from other job seekers who lack the international experience and intercultural skills and competencies employers seek.

Early workforce development internships

Early workforce development programs are developed in partnership with  - US industry and multinational investment corporations doing business in the DR
International Relations and Public Affairs internships have been organized in cooperation Cultural Affairs office of the US Embassy, USAID community development programs, and other US agencies attached to the American Embassy.

Entrepreneurship and small business operations are arranged with Dominican business organizations in cooperation with the Dominican American Chambers of Commerce throughout 

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